Brookshire House, Denver, CO

Brookshire House

4660 E Asbury Cir
Denver, CO 80222
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Phone: (303) 756-1546

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Senior News

2009-02-26 22:32 - Dr. John Hudelson helped snuff out brucellosis among livestock

Dr. John Hudelson, a former state veterinarian who spent much of his career helping rid the livestock industry of brucellosis, a costly livestock disease, died of cancer Feb. 19. He was... [read more]

2009-02-26 22:32 - OBITUARY: Wendy Richard, star of BBC's 'EastEnders,' 'Being Served'

Actress Wendy Richard, who starred as matriarch Pauline Fowler in the British Broadcasting Corp.'s soap opera EastEnders and was in the sitcom Are You Being Served?, died early... [read more]

2009-02-26 02:05 - Edward J. Rozek escaped slave-labor camp, taught at CU

A Polish immigrant who was a defense and foreign policy adviser to President Ronald Reagan and a World War II veteran who fought and was captured by the Nazis died at his Boulder home last... [read more]

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