Schnepps Health Care Center, Saint Louis, MI

Schnepps Health Care Center

Saint Louis, MI 48880
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Phone: (989) 681-5721

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Comments & Ratings

Comment on Schnepps Health Care Center - Saint Louis, MI written by: Judy G. 5 stars 10/31/2012 9:02PM I am trying to contact my aunt Phyllis Forstie and have not been able to reach her on the cell phone number that I have. Is it possible to call her in her room?

Comment on Schnepps Health Care Center - Saint Louis, MI written by: Esther R. 5 stars 12/09/2011 2:20PM Inquiring about my "Dear Beloved Friend" Anna Maria Lameroueaux I understand that she is a patient at your facility and has no phone in room? How could I speak with her? Is she able to be brought down to where the telephone is? or walk to the phone at the desk? Please help me with this issue. Her neice Meg has tryed to keep me informed as to her progress. I am presently in Mesa Arizona for the Winter. Sincerely yours/Peace/Esther Rolando

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