Father Murray Nursing Center, Center Line, MI

Father Murray Nursing Center

8444 Engleman St
Center Line, MI 48015
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Phone: (586) 755-2400

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Senior News

2015-09-09 00:00 - U-M offers convenient flu shot options for patients, public

Now is the time to roll up your sleeves for a flu shot. High-dose vaccine, available  at select community clinics, gives senior an extra boost to immunity. [read more]

2015-06-03 00:00 - Years of good blood sugar control helps diabetic hearts, VA/U-M study finds

Day in and day out, for years on end, millions of people with diabetes prick their fingers to test their blood sugar level. And many may wonder if all the careful eating, exercise and... [read more]

2015-06-02 00:00 - Teens start misusing ADHD drugs and other stimulants earlier than you might think, U-M study finds

Despite stereotypes about college students resorting to black-market Ritalin to help them cram for exams, young people are actually most likely to start misusing prescription... [read more]

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